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SheEO Collective

Welcome to the
SheEO Collective

The most epic and magnetic 6-month container for a unique group of hand-picked women who want to soften their self-leadership and create mastery in their lives without hustle and compromise!

I see you, six months from now. 

Where you explored your softness, learnt to lean back, asked for help, and let go of control. Where you finally found ease and peace within. Where you created deep and vulnerable connections with women on the same path as you. Where you deared to be everything you are, leading yourself with softness and authenticity.


Who is a SheEO?

🤌🏼 She trusts and leans in, not needing to control and micro-manage, so she no longer burns out or lives a high-stress, high-cortisole life. 

🤌🏼 She lives in full alignment with her values and mission, so her life feels meaningful and fulfilling, no longer prioritising work over life, family or relationships. 

🤌🏼 She has the power to create her best life, make intentional choices, and live on her terms.


🤌🏼 She softens her leadership to lead with empathy, intuition and inspire others to do the same,creating an endless ripple effect of impact for her greater community and the world.


🤌🏼 She values ‘being’ over ‘doing’, allowing her to slow down, be present, sensual and prioritise well-being. Living with integrity, high standards, boundaries, and clarity. 


🤌🏼 She lets herself be led. Knowing she doesn't have to build her vision alone,
she is confident enough to take a step back and be supported.


🤌🏼 She finds strength in vulnerability, building those authentic and
deep connections that she craved all her life.


🤌🏼 She is responsible for her actions, with a grounded and clear
connection of what is right and wrong for her.

Get ready for YOUR upgrade
over the next six months.

SheEO Collective will be your most juicy, expansive, transformative container for growth, inspiration, and new connections. Six months from now, you will look back and know this was the best decision you made in 2024!

ALL of this is included in the price 🤌🏼

SheEO Collective will be a game-changer if this is what you're desiring:

Yearning for Authenticity:

If you're tired of compromising on your values and desire genuine, purpose-driven choices. If you're feeling a deep need to live authentically and make decisions that truly resonate with who you are, this program is designed to empower and support you.

Craving Support and Community:

If you find yourself longing for a supportive community where you can be yourself, be vulnerable, engage in healthy discussions, and grow alongside like-minded women, the SheEO Collective is where you belong.

Ready for the Soft Leadership Era:

If you're ready for mastery - moving away from hustle and control toward a more centred, feminine leadership approach, where you lead from a place of inner strength without being bossy, the SheEO Collective is the perfect fit.

SheEO Retreats

This is where deep connections, lasting friendships and community are built!


We will not only learn about Feminine Leadership; we will embody and integrate it together in the mountains of Norway for a three-day Retreat this spring and a one-day Retreat in Oslo this fall. 


Co-creation and community.

Are you ready to uplevel your life with feminine leadership with amazing women? To play, enjoy, celebrate, connect and be vulnerable?

Every day you delay, this is another day lost in the hustle, missing the chance to reshape and soften how you lead yourself through life.

We're starting SOON; secure

your spot now!

Meet our incredible guest speakers!

We have invited the best within their fields to sprinkle their magic and add their amazing value to the SheEO Collective. Some will join us at our retreats, other will join us online. 

Meet your host

My name is Iselin Larsen

I am on a path. A path of mastery.

No more half-ass, half-way, ‘trying’ or hoping.

How deep can I love? How excellent can I become? As a partner, teacher, lover, friend, mentor, sister, mom, coach, leader and business owner? How present can I be? How grateful and mindful can I be? How fun can I make my life? How much can I play? How hard can I laugh? How sensual can I make every day? How much magic can I feel? How loving can my relationships be? How awesome can my life be?

This is the energy I’m creating for my new concept, SheEO 🤌🏼.


For the women ready to thrive without compromise. To soften their leadership. To raise their standards. To master their life without hustle and grind.

Therefore, I’m calling on YOU who can feel this energy, the craving and calling for more.

But not by DOING more - by BEING more.

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The mentor program has helped me realize that I don't need to define myself exclusively through my job. Receiving advice and guidance through discussions about our values has been invaluable, especially in combination with group conversations. It has helped me see how others experience similar challenges.
Iselin's leadership and mentorship have been crucial. Through discussions about our values and reflections on the masculine and feminine aspects, I have gained new insights.
The mentor group has been an adventure! For me, this is an entirely new world, and opening up to the feminine has never been part of my reality before—amazingly enough! I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity and sisterhood, and I look forward to the journey ahead!
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