
Enter a world of slow-living
and soft self-leadership.

Discover how leaning back and tapping into your feminine energies will enhance your work, family life, and business.

This is where you find your community.
This is where you transform hustle into authentic success.
This is where the movement starts.

Join our beautiful
Poise Community

If you are a woman in business - either you work in corporate or as an entrepreneur, Poise is your community!

Our programs are uniquely design for busy women, craving to slow down and soften, without compromising their career and goals. We launch all open spaces to the waitlist first, so make sure to join the waitlist for the programs you fell drawn towards.

SheEO Collective

€6.000 // Join throughout the year

The most epic and magnetic container for a unique group of hand-picked women who want to soften their self-leadership and create mastery in their lives without hustle and compromise!

Poise’s flagship program for women in business, either corporate or founders.

We bimonthly open the doors to onboard 2 new members. Join the waitlist to be notified about the next opening!

Feminine You

€4.000 // Autumn Program

A mentorship program for those who struggle with setting boundaries, taking breaks, and tapping into the softer side of themselves.

It's for those who miss having a vulnerable sisterhood of like-minded women.

Not just theory but embodiment of the feminine.

Runs every spring - join the waitlist and we’ll notify you first about the available spaces!

Feminine Founder

€4.500 // Spring Program

For the female founders ready to finally tap into their uniqueness, be authentic business owners and build their brand the soft and feminine way.

It’s for you who are ready for something completely different than what you see everywhere on the internet. To create and work YOUR way, in tune with your cycle and feminine-masculine balance.

And who want a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Craving more intimacy and 1:1 mentorship? This medium-touch mentorship is designed to give you weekly support without having to meet on Zoom weekly.

For the female leaders and business owners who are ready to lead themselves and their business in a softer, slower and more feminine way.

3 or 6 months commitments.
Includes 1x60 min Zoom call + 1 Telegram day per week.
Starting at €3.500.

1:1 mentorship

Embrace your
feminine potential

Get to know the Poise world, where life moves slower, softer, and more feminine without you having to ‘give up’ your life, work, or goals. The key is always balance and finding a way to live and work aligned with your true self because you know yourself.

Disconnect to reconnect digital detox challenge

Disconnect to Reconnect Challenge


Join our 21-day digital detox challenge, where we come together as women and disconnect from social media to reconnect with ourselves, our values, intuition, creation and each-other.

Iselin left Instagram in June 2024, and the shifts from this have been profound — now it’s your turn. Are you ready?

Happening LIVE in August!

The feminine archetypes

Embodied Feminine Archetypes


If you’re a woman who finds yourself mainly operating in your masculine qualities, craving the soft and feminine, say hi to the archetypes!

Learn to embody the seven feminine archetypes and work to find YOUR unique balance.

Our first-ever audio course was created for a softer way to learn and consume!

Get access now!

SheEO Essentials Feminine Leadership Course



Want to go deeper into feminine leadership? This course is the baseline for the SheEO Collective!

Dive into the fundamentals of feminine leadership principles with SheEO Essentials. Learn to lead yourself by softening into your feminine, cyclic, and intuitive energies.

Get instant access to the first module. Monthly modules through 6 months.

Meet Iselin, founder of Poise.

Welcome to my soft and feminine world.

Do you mainly operate with your masculine qualities, constantly in doing mode? With little or no contact with your feminine sides? I've been there.

With a background in male-dominated industries like sales and tech, before starting Poise in 2018, big parts of my life have been filled with stress and long work hours, with a stiff jaw, neck and poor sleep. I put all my worth into my performance and was unable to rest and relax.

Until I decided to make a change. Continuing like this would not be sustainable. Even though I loved my job, I wanted a meaningful life where life was more than work.

Today, I lead myself in a softer, feminine, and balanced way. I follow the ebb and flow of my inner and nature's cycles, set healthy boundaries and find value in who I am as a woman, not only in what I do.

I teach other women to do the same through our Poise mentor groups, leadership and frequencies.

Community, abundance, co-creation, love and family are some of my strongest values, as well as living life MY way — slow, soft and feminine.

If you’re looking for something in this realm, you’ve come to the right place.
